Sacred Cows Make the Best Steaks: Challenging Marketing Assumptions for Growth

Marketing is a dynamic field that requires constant adaptation and innovation. However, many marketers fall prey to sacred cows – outdated or untested assumptions and strategies that are considered sacred and unquestionable. These sacred cows can limit creativity, hinder growth, and reduce relevance in a changing market. In this blog post, we’ll explain what sacred cows are, why they need to be challenged, and how to do it effectively.

What are Sacred Cows in Marketing?

Sacred cows in marketing are beliefs, strategies, or tactics that are based on tradition, habit, or inertia, rather than evidence, data, or experimentation. They are often rooted in past success, industry standards, or fear of change. While some marketing principles are timeless, others may become obsolete or ineffective over time. Blindly following sacred cows without questioning their validity or suitability can stifle innovation and hamper progress.

The Need for Innovation:

Innovation is the lifeblood of successful marketing campaigns. Challenging sacred cows is a prerequisite for fostering a culture of innovation within a marketing team. Stagnation sets in when marketers become complacent with strategies that have worked in the past but may not be suitable for current market trends or consumer behaviors. Embracing change and seeking fresh perspectives are essential for adapting to evolving landscapes.

Examples of Sacred Cows:

  1. Traditional Advertising Channels: Sacred Cow: Television advertising is the most effective way to reach a wide audience. Challenge: Explore digital platforms and social media to connect with a more diverse and engaged audience. Consider the rise of streaming services and the decline of traditional TV viewership.
  2. One-Size-Fits-All Marketing: Sacred Cow: A universal marketing message appeals to the widest audience. Challenge: Embrace targeted marketing strategies that speak directly to specific demographics, providing personalized experiences that resonate more deeply.
  3. Sticking to Established Brands: Sacred Cow: Big brands don’t need to change their image; people already know and trust them. Challenge: Even established brands must adapt to changing consumer preferences and societal shifts. Rebranding or evolving can attract new audiences and revitalize existing ones.

Why Challenge Sacred Cows?

Challenging sacred cows is vital for fostering a culture of innovation and staying ahead of the curve in a competitive and evolving market. By questioning assumptions, testing hypotheses, and exploring alternatives, marketers can discover new opportunities, optimize performance, and deliver better value to customers. Challenging sacred cows also helps marketers avoid complacency and stagnation, which can erode their competitive edge and market share.

The Power of Data:

Data-driven decision-making is a potent tool for challenging sacred cows. Analyzing consumer data, market trends, and performance metrics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of existing strategies. This allows marketers to identify areas for improvement and test innovative approaches, ensuring campaigns remain dynamic and responsive to evolving consumer needs.

Creating a Culture of Innovation:

Encouraging a culture of innovation within a marketing team requires leadership that values experimentation and isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo. Foster an environment where team members feel empowered to question assumptions, share new ideas, and embrace calculated risks. Celebrate both successes and failures as learning opportunities that contribute to the overall growth and development of the team.

How to Challenge Sacred Cows?

To challenge sacred cows effectively, marketers need to adopt a data-driven and customer-centric approach. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Identify the sacred cows in your marketing strategy. These could be related to your target audience, value proposition, channels, messaging, branding, or any other aspect of your marketing mix.
  • Analyze the data and evidence that support or contradict your sacred cows. Use quantitative and qualitative methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, analytics, experiments, etc., to gather relevant and reliable information.
  • Evaluate the impact and relevance of your sacred cows in the current market context. Consider the changing needs, preferences, and behaviors of your customers, as well as the trends and innovations in your industry and niche.
  • Experiment with different options and alternatives to your sacred cows. Use A/B testing, pilot projects, prototypes, etc., to test the feasibility and effectiveness of new or improved strategies or tactics.
  • Measure the results and outcomes of your experiments. Compare and contrast the performance of your sacred cows and your alternatives, using key metrics and indicators, such as conversions, retention, satisfaction, loyalty, etc.
  • Implement the changes and improvements that yield the best results. Scale up the successful experiments and phase out the ineffective or outdated sacred cows. Monitor and evaluate the impact and feedback of your changes and make adjustments as needed.


Sacred cows are marketing assumptions and strategies that have lost their edge and value, but are still followed out of fear or comfort. Challenging sacred cows is the key to unlocking new possibilities and opportunities in a fast-changing and demanding market. By using data and evidence to question, test, and improve your marketing strategy, you can create a culture of innovation and excellence that sets you apart from the crowd and ensures your marketing campaigns are always cutting-edge, impactful, and successful.